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How to ensure that EASONZELL™ HEC series oil drilling is moisture-proof during storage?

EASONZELL™ HEC Series* Oil Drilling are highly effective thickeners that play a vital role in petroleum drilling operations. However, as a chemical product in the form of powders or fibrous solids, EASONZELL™ HEC series products have high storage environment requirements, especially moisture protection, to ensure that their quality and performance are not affected before use. 

Moisture-proof packaging: EASONZELL™ HEC Series* Oil Drilling are usually sealed in moisture-proof packaging materials. These packaging materials include multi-layer composite bags, aluminum foil bags, and vacuum packaging. Composite bags and aluminum foil bags have good barrier properties and can effectively prevent moisture penetration. At the same time, vacuum packaging can remove the air in the packaging, further reducing the impact of moisture on the product.

Sealing performance: During the packaging process, it should be ensured that the sealing of each packaging bag is intact. Use heat sealing, pressing and other techniques to ensure that the packaging bag is free of leaks and damage. In addition, each batch of products should be subjected to strict sealing tests before leaving the factory to ensure that the moisture-proof effect meets the standard.

Storage Environment

Environmental control: EASONZELL™ HEC Series* Oil Drilling should be stored in a dry, ventilated, and cool warehouse. The ideal storage environment temperature should be controlled between 15-25℃, and the relative humidity should be below 50%. Keep the air in the warehouse circulating. You can use exhaust fans and dehumidifiers to adjust the humidity and temperature to prevent humid air from accumulating.

Moisture-proof facilities: The warehouse should be equipped with moisture-proof facilities, such as desiccants and moisture absorbers. These moisture-proof facilities can be placed around the product to absorb moisture in the air and further reduce the humidity of the storage environment. In addition, moisture-proof paint and moisture-proof floors can also be used in the warehouse to prevent ground water vapor from penetrating.

Stacking and Management

Reasonable stacking: EASONZELL™ HEC Series* Oil Drilling should be placed on pallets to avoid direct contact with the ground. There should be a certain gap between the pallets to ensure air circulation. The product stacking should not be too high to prevent the lower products from being deformed or damaged by pressure. At the same time, the products should be stacked away from walls and ceilings to prevent water vapor from penetrating from the walls and ceilings.

Regular inspection: During storage, the humidity and temperature in the warehouse should be checked regularly, and the relevant data should be recorded. Regularly check the sealing and integrity of the product packaging, and replace the packaging in time if it is found to be damaged. At the same time, regularly replace the desiccants and moisture absorbers in the warehouse to ensure their moisture-proof effect.

Transportation and Handling

Moisture-proof transportation: During transportation, EASONZELL™ HEC Series* Oil Drilling also need to be moisture-proofed. The transportation vehicle should have good sealing performance to prevent rainwater and humid air from entering. At the same time, violent vibration and collision should be avoided during transportation to prevent damage to the product packaging.

Handling precautions: When handling the product, handle it with care to avoid damage to the packaging. Handling personnel should receive relevant training, understand the moisture-proof requirements of the product, and ensure that the product remains in a moisture-proof state throughout the handling process.

Zhejiang Yisheng New Material Co., Ltd.