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Home / News / Industry News / When used as a thickener, how does the daily chemical grade hydroxypropyl methylcellulose series affect the brushability and sagging properties of coatings?

When used as a thickener, how does the daily chemical grade hydroxypropyl methylcellulose series affect the brushability and sagging properties of coatings?

During the construction process of paint, brushability has always been one of the important indicators to measure the quality of paint. When applying traditional paints, they often face problems such as uneven viscosity and poor fluidity. This not only increases the difficulty of construction, but may also lead to defects such as uneven coating and obvious brush marks. The introduction of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose for daily chemical grade (HPMC) series as a thickener provides an effective solution to these problems.

HPMC series can significantly improve the viscosity characteristics of coatings with its unique molecular structure and physical and chemical properties. After adding an appropriate amount of HPMC to the paint, the viscosity of the paint can be reasonably controlled. It is neither too sticky to be painted nor too thin to form a uniform coating. This just right viscosity adjustment allows the paint to smoothly adhere to the surface of the substrate during painting, forming a smooth and delicate coating, which greatly improves the construction efficiency and painting experience.

Sagging is one of the common defects in paint construction. It refers to the phenomenon that the paint flows downward due to gravity during the painting or spraying process, resulting in uneven coating, ripples or thick edges on the surface. This not only affects the appearance quality of the coating, but may also reduce its protective performance and service life. Therefore, how to effectively control the sag of coatings has become an urgent problem in the coatings industry.

As a thickening agent, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose for daily chemical grade (HPMC) series has demonstrated excellent performance in this regard. Functional groups such as hydroxyl and methoxy groups on its molecular chain can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules and other polar molecules in the paint, thereby enhancing the cohesion and adhesion of the paint. This enhanced cohesion allows the paint to better resist the effects of gravity and reduce sagging when it is painted or sprayed. At the same time, HPMC also has good thixotropic properties, that is, the viscosity decreases when subjected to external force, which is beneficial to the uniform application of the paint; and when the external force is removed, the viscosity can quickly recover to maintain the stability of the coating.

In today's society, environmental protection has become a key word for the development of all walks of life. The paint industry is no exception. Green and environmentally friendly paint products are increasingly favored by the market. As a thickening agent, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose for daily chemical grade (HPMC) series not only has excellent performance, but also has good environmental protection and safety. Its raw materials come from a wide range of sources, the production process is simple, and it does not release harmful gases or residues during use, and is harmless to the environment and human health. In addition, HPMC also has good biodegradability and can quickly decompose in the natural environment, reducing environmental pollution.

Zhejiang Yisheng New Material Co., Ltd.