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After EASONZELL™ HEC series oil drilling products are added to drilling fluid, how do HEC molecules unfold in the liquid and form a three-dimensional network structure?

In the complex environment of oil drilling, the performance of drilling fluid is particularly important for drilling efficiency and safety. EASONZELL™ HEC series oil drilling products provide excellent performance guarantee for drilling fluid with its unique thickening, suspension, separation and water retention functions. When these products are added to the drilling fluid, the core component HEC molecules will undergo a series of changes in the liquid, eventually forming a three-dimensional network structure.

HEC molecules, as the core of the EASONZELL™ HEC series products, have a unique molecular structure. They are obtained by etherification reaction of alkalized cellulose and ethylene oxide. This special structure gives HEC molecules special behavior in aqueous solution. When HEC molecules are added to drilling fluid, they will quickly interact with water molecules.

In liquid, HEC molecules will undergo a "dissolution-diffusion-reorganization" process. First, HEC molecules will dissolve in the drilling fluid, and the hydrophilic groups on their molecular chains will form hydrogen bonds with water molecules to unfold the molecular chains. This process is dynamic, and as the molecular chains unfold, more water molecules are adsorbed onto the molecular chains to form a hydration layer.

As HEC molecules diffuse in the liquid, the interaction between the molecular chains gradually increases. Due to the interaction between the functional groups on the HEC molecular chains, such as hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces, the molecular chains begin to entangle and cross-link with each other. This cross-linking process gradually forms a three-dimensional network structure in the liquid.

This three-dimensional network structure has a significant impact on the performance of the drilling fluid. It increases the viscosity of the drilling fluid, enabling it to better carry drill cuttings and suspended solid particles. Moreover, the three-dimensional network structure can effectively prevent the loss of drilling fluid and keep the borehole clean and stable. In addition, this structure can also improve the water retention of the drilling fluid and reduce water evaporation and loss.

It is worth noting that the process of HEC molecules forming a three-dimensional network structure in the liquid is a dynamic equilibrium process. During the drilling process, as environmental conditions change, such as temperature, pressure, pH value, etc., the network structure of the HEC molecules will also change accordingly. This change enables the EASONZELL™ HEC series of oil drilling products to adapt to different drilling conditions and maintain the stable performance of the drilling fluid.

Ultimately, after EASONZELL™ HEC series oil drilling products are added to drilling fluid, HEC molecules form a three-dimensional network structure in the liquid through processes such as dissolution, diffusion and recombination, providing excellent performance guarantee for the drilling fluid.

Zhejiang Yisheng New Material Co., Ltd.