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How does EASONZELL™ HEC Emulsion in skin care lotion penetrate deeply into the skin?

When we are pursuing moist and smooth skin, skin care lotion has become a powerful assistant for our daily skin care. Among the many skin care lotions, products containing EASONZELL™ HEC have attracted much attention due to their unique emulsion. So, how does this emulsion penetrate into the skin and bring nourishment and moisturizing to the skin?

To understand how EASONZELL™ HEC emulsion penetrates into the skin, we need to understand its basic characteristics first. As an efficient emulsifier, EASONZELL™ HEC can perfectly blend two immiscible ingredients, water and oil, to form a stable and delicate emulsion. This emulsion not only has good stability and fluidity, but also can form affinity with the skin surface, providing the possibility for deep nourishment of the skin.

When we apply skin care lotion containing EASONZELL™ HEC on the skin, the emulsion will first contact the skin surface. Due to its unique molecular structure and skin affinity, the emulsion can quickly form a close bond with the stratum corneum on the skin surface. This bond is not a simple physical attachment, but through the interaction between molecules, the deep fusion of the emulsion and the skin is achieved.

Due to the close integration of the emulsion and the skin, the moisture and nutrients in it begin to gradually penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. The small molecule structure of EASONZELL™ HEC emulsion allows it to easily penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin and penetrate into the basal layer of the skin. Here, the moisture and nutrients are absorbed by the skin cells, providing the skin with sufficient nourishment and moisturizing.

In addition to the penetration of moisture and nutrients, EASONZELL™ HEC emulsion can also promote the microcirculation of the skin. When the emulsion forms a thin film on the surface of the skin, it can effectively lock the moisture of the skin and prevent moisture loss. At the same time, the small molecules in the emulsion can also stimulate the metabolic activity of skin cells, accelerate the microcirculation of the skin, and make the skin healthier and more shiny.

Based on the above content, we can know that the reason why EASONZELL™ HEC emulsion can penetrate into the skin and bring nourishment and moisturizing to the skin is mainly due to its unique emulsification properties, skin affinity and small molecule structure. Through close integration and deep penetration with the skin, EASONZELL™ HEC emulsion provides comprehensive nourishment and moisturizing effects for the skin, making our skin more hydrated and smooth.

Zhejiang Yisheng New Material Co., Ltd.